Wednesday 27 March 2024

Skeleton horde plastics. A little necromancy.


Some old Skeleton Horde plastics I fancied painting up. Put these together a couple of years ago I think so it was about time they got a lick of paint. Got another five to do at some point. Not much remains of my original skeleton horde set. Poor storage, teenage conversions and the occasional bit of wanton destruction saw my 24 figures turn into a mere handful of models most of which were broken. I did pick up a largely complete Skeleton Army boxed set on Ebay though in later years. I dug out all the broken models and loose bits and decided to see how many I could piece together and fix up. Managed to assemble the ten without having to clip anything from the full sprues. Quite a few needed leg surgery so lots of broken models got chopped up and cobbled together. Something of an act of necromancy you could say.


  1. Lovely figures but don't breathe on them. Welcome back.

    1. One good sneeze could take out a whole unit in seconds. Been a while hasn't it! So much spam to delete.

  2. Hehe. Glad to see your blog is not dead :) nice skellies!
